Protect Your Loved Ones | Report Nursing Home Neglect in Maryland!

In this blog post, The Senior Soup provides a comprehensive guide on how to report nursing home neglect in Maryland.

Have you visited your loved one in a Maryland long-term nursing facility and suspected they are victims of nursing home neglect, abuse, or mistreatment?

Do not stay silent! This could be a matter of life or death!

You must take action immediately!

Maryland nursing home neglect is a reality that cannot be ignored.

Let’s get started.

Understanding Maryland Nursing Home Neglect

It is first necessary to understand what constitutes neglect before you file a complaint with the state of Maryland and contact the authorities.

Neglect can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and financial neglect.

Examples of physical neglect inside Maryland nursing homes may include not providing a loved one adequate food, water, or medical care.

 This is a pamphlet produced by the staten of Maryland on how to report nursing home neglect in Maryland.

Emotional neglect can include isolating residents or ignoring their emotional needs.

Financial neglect involves theft or misuse of a nursing home resident’s assets.

Maryland Nursing Home Neglect Legally Defined 

The Maryland legal statute for nursing home neglect is outlined in the Maryland Code, Health – General § 19-343.

Maryland law defines nursing home neglect as the failure to provide a resident with necessary care, resulting in harm to the resident.

The statute also outlines the legal rights of nursing home residents in Maryland, including:

  • The right to be free from neglect and abuse;
  • The right to receive adequate medical care and treatment;
  • The right to be treated with dignity and respect.

If nursing home neglect is suspected, Maryland law requires that nursing home personnel immediately report the incident to the appropriate authorities and investigate.

Failure to report or investigate nursing home neglect can result in civil and criminal penalties.

In addition, nursing homes in Maryland must follow state and federal regulations and guidelines, which provide quality of care and resident safety standards.

Violations of these regulations can result in fines, penalties, and loss of license.

Related Senior Soup content: 

Signs of Neglect Inside A Maryland Nursing Home

Below are common signs that your loved one is facing neglect inside their Maryland long-term nursing facility:

  • Bedsores or pressure ulcers
  • Unexplained bruises or injuries
  • Dehydration or malnourishment
  • Poor hygiene or cleanliness
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Changes in behavior, such as depression or anxiety
  • Medication errors
  • Untreated medical conditions
  • Unsanitary living conditions
  • Lack of access to basic needs like food, water, or medical care

How To Report Nursing Home Neglect in Maryland 

If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of neglect at their nursing home, we urge you to take action immediately and follow the guide below to file a report.

Step 1: Contact the Nursing Home Facility

Contact the Maryland nursing facility where your loved one resides and request to speak with the nursing home administrator or the director of social services.

Explain your concerns and ask them to investigate immediately.

Document all conversations with the facility and keep all emails or other correspondence for your records.

If the facility does not take your concerns seriously or if you do not feel comfortable contacting them directly, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2: Contact the Maryland Department of Health

If the nursing home does not adequately address your concerns or you are uncomfortable reporting to them directly, contact the Maryland Department of Health.

You have the option to file a complaint online or by phone.

Please click the following link to complete a Maryland Nursing Home Complaint Form.

You must provide as much detail as possible, including the nursing home resident’s name, the correct name of the nursing home, and any specific incidents or evidence of neglect or abuse.

Step 3: Contact your County’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman 

Maryland Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman are independent advocates – they can be volunteers or paid – for Maryland nursing home residents of nursing homes.

Ombudspersons work to resolve problems inside long-term nursing facilities and assisted living communities. They bring about local, state, and national changes to improve residents’ care and quality of life.

All conversations with a Maryland long-term care ombudsman are confidential unless you permit them to use your name.

According to the Maryland Department of Aging’s website:

“​Anyone can contact the LTC Ombudsman Program to discuss or seek assistance in resolving a problem, concern, or complaint impacting one or more residents of a long-term care facility. This includes residents, friends, family members, facility staff, and others.

As the resident advocate, however, the LTC Ombudsman always seeks to resolve the concern to the resident’s satisfaction.”

An ombudsmen’s services are free of charge.

Below is a screenshot from the Department of Aging’s website that lists the long-term care ombudspersons for all 23 Maryland counties and Baltimore City.

This is a screenshot taken from the Maryland Department of Aging's website that lists all 23 Maryland county's long-term care ombudsman.

Step 4: Contact an Attorney

If your loved one has suffered harm due to neglect, you may want to contact a lawyer specializing in nursing home abuse and neglect cases.

An experienced attorney can help you understand your legal options and work with you to hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

The Senior Soup recommends contacting the Rockville, Maryland-based law firm Stein Sperling.

Maryland State Agencies & Phone Numbers to Report Nursing Home Neglect

The Office of Adult Protective Services | Department of Human Services 

1 (800) 917-7383

Maryland Department of Aging

1 (800) 243-3425

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, established by the Older Americans Act of 1965, operates in every Maryland county and can be reached by calling your county’s Senior Information and Assistance Office.

The Maryland Office of the Attorney General 

1 (888) 743-0023

The Maryland Attorney General is a helpful state agency to contact if you suspect exploitation of older adults.

You can find your Maryland county’s state’s attorney’s contact information by clicking the following link.

In 2022, The Senior Soup Podcast interviewed Montgomery County State’s Attorney John McCarthy about elderly scams and how his office protects older adults.

Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown’s office offers a comprehensive guide on Maryland nursing homes through its website.

Maryland Office of Health Care Quality 

1 (877) 402-8201

The Maryland Office of Health Care Quality can assist you with reporting nursing home abuse or neglect.

Additional Maryland Resources On Reporting Nursing Home Neglect 

Frequently Asked Questions About Nursing Home Neglect

What is nursing home neglect?

Nursing home neglect occurs when a resident’s basic needs are unmet intentionally or unintentionally.

How can I tell if my loved one is being neglected?

Look for signs such as bedsores, unexplained injuries, poor hygiene, weight loss, and changes in behavior.

What should I do if I suspect neglect within a Maryland long-term nursing facility?

Contact the nursing home administrator or social worker, file a complaint with the Maryland Department of Health, and consider consulting with a lawyer.

Can I report neglect anonymously?

Yes, you can file a complaint anonymously if you wish.

What legal options do I have if my loved one has been neglected?

You may be able to file a lawsuit against the nursing home or individual responsible for the neglect, or you may be able to negotiate a settlement. Consult a qualified attorney.


It doesn’t matter how you report Maryland nursing neglect – it just matters that you do it!

Reporting neglect can be stressful, but taking action now is essential to protect your loved one.

By understanding the signs of neglect and knowing how to report it, you can help ensure that your loved one receives the care and protection they deserve.

Remember: Don’t stay silent; report nursing home neglect!

Ryan Miner, MBA | Co-Founder and Podcast Host | The Senior Soup

Raquel Micit & Ryan Miner founded The Senior Soup in September 2022
Co-founders of The Senior Soup at The Senior Soup | (202) 350-2674 | | Website |  + posts

Ryan Miner and Raquel Micit are the co-founders of The Senior Soup and host The Senior Soup Post. Raquel and Ryan have over 25 years of combined experience in the healthcare, medical and pharmaceutical industries.


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